Brisbane - Keperra


Keperra would be often regarded as one of the hottest markets within the Brisbane area.


Regularly we see quality properties like this selling within just days of hitting the market, and with multiple offers, and when we say multiple offers we are talking usually over 10-15 offers every-time.

In a market like this, separating yourself and your offer from the others is important, part of that distinction is appointing a buyers agent, you see real estate agents and sellers realise that if someone is willing to appoint a Brisbane Buyers Agent they are not wasting time, but also when buying in this market, it is not all about price, it’s more about the terms than you might realise.

In this situation we where able to secure the property for less then the highest offer due to our Cash Unconditional Offer and also the flexibility to lease back the property to the vendors.

The dwelling offers a neat and tidy renovated home which is very rentable as is, longer term there is scope to add value but for now this set and forget strategy will be a great little investment.

Talk to our team →


Property Type


Reason of Purchase


The Space

3 beds / 1 bath / 2 cars



Rental Return

$550 per Week

Proximity to CBD

~10km Direct Line


Call us or fill in the form below to get your property journey started today.


There’s no telling how many opportunities can come from just one little conversation – so get in touch today. We’d love to catch up and discuss how we could help you!

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